How To Get Personal Training Leads with Facebook Ads vs Instagram Ads
Many Fitpro's messes up Instagram ads by using the same image on Insta as they do on Facebook- Showing no text in the image. ➡️Instagram ads must have the headline on the image itself, Facebook's headline can go in the next paragraph. For more free resources or to get personal help Visit See how we added 140 clients in 64 days for Multiple Gym Owner, Macus: Click
I'm Riley Stewart and I'm a fitness marketing expert that means I help you basically cut through the crap and get results for your fitness business. I have a developed a Gym business and I'm also a fitness business training expert. So, I'm going to walk you through exactly, How to get personal training leads with Facebook ads vs Instagram ads Actually, I'm using the two social media ads platform, Facebook and Instagram ads to drive a huge amount of fitness leads. The biggest driver is Facebook, You tend to get a lower cost per lead on Facebook. So we go from there and we take the first through the landing page. There is a big difference between Facebook and Instagram. The facebook there's a lot of money to be made facebook ads but Instagram ads they work very different to Facebook ads. So Instagram ads are very pictures based facebook ads their picture and 50/50 pictures, text-based. The main difference if you get results with your Instagram ads is they have a good image with some text on it that actually explains the captivating headline kind of needs to go on the Instagram. Whereas on Facebook you can have a plain image and then the captivating headline goes on the text section. If you are looking to scale your fitness empire with more profit in less time than this video is one of the most important weapons for the personal training business.
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