Sandra - Discovering Sarasota - St Armands Circle2

Sandra - Discovering Sarasota - St Armands Circle2. SRQ, Sarasota, Ringling Bridge, St Armands Key. Please subscribe Hi, I am Sandra so we just saw you Welcome to Sarasota. When you think of Paradise, what do you think? sciences, Crystal waters, nature. People are moving to Sarasota in waves try now. So if you want to get a real sense of what is to live in Sarasota, or what Sarasota is all about, this is what this channel is all about. This week, we're going to take you over two of the most iconic areas of a beautiful city. Sarasota is a city located in the southwest jungles of the US, famous for its cultural amenities, beaches, and of course food. Welcome to the Ringling bridge, one of the largest bridges in Sarasota that extends over Sarasota Bay, from Sarasota to Signarama. Circle walk in the Ringling Causeway bridge is one of the local and tourist favorite activities that we use is a perfect place to walk. So here we are. The famous center my circle, where you see her here. This is the statue that rings his brother, one of the best and most unique stops in Santa sola for Sharpie and eating. I know the island of shopping paradise, located in the Gulf of Mexico, home of 100, upscale shops and restaurants. I hope you enjoy your journey and join us next time with another episode of discovering Cyrus. Thank you for watching the video. I hope you enjoy the video "Sandra - Discovering Sarasota - St Armands Circle2". If this video helps you, please subscribe to my channel and like, comment, and share the video.

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